Lhasa Apso Club Judging List 2024
All judges are reminded that:
CVs must be submitted on the Lhasa Apso Club’s form, attaching copies of any relevant certificates where required. Submission can be either in writing or by email. The form is available by clicking on the link above.
CVs submitted in any other format will be rejected. You may, however, submit records of dogs judged in a similar tabular format providing it contains the same details as per the relevant section of the Lhasa Apso Club form.
New CVs and updates to CVs must be received by the Hon Secretary, not later than 31 December 2023 if they are to be considered by the Judges’ Sub-Committee for inclusion in the 2024 Judging List.
Please ensure that updated details are clearly marked as such. It is your responsibility to ensure that your CVs are up to date
Judges who no longer wish to be considered for appointments are asked to advise the Hon Secretary.
CVs to be submitted to:
Mrs Sarah Hattrell
Khinjan Boarding Kennels
1, Meadow Drove,
PE10 0AH